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Bopkit Projects


Digital Watch


This project implements a circuit with an output of 42 bits that drives the display of the 7-segment digits of a digital watch.



Visa is a compact microprocessor that comes with a tool for simulating its assembly language and converting it into binary instructions for the visa-machine. The project contains an assembly code that drives the display of a 7-segment digital calendar.



Subleq is a microprocessor implementation with a single instruction (OISC). The project also features a tool that produces RAM images whose subleq-computation doesn't loop, which we use as input tests.



The project implements a parser, typer, and interpreter chain for a language of arithmetic expressions named wml, which serves as an educational tool. It was built based on a compilation course with Professor Patrick Cousot. Additionally, the project features a hardware design for a stack-machine that is optimized for running wml programs and comes with a compiler and assembler for it.