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Binary Decision Diagrams

bopkit bdd implements an algorithm to convert boolean functions into bopkit circuits. The tool takes advantage of unspecified output bits by assigning them values that minimize the number of gates required to synthesize the circuit.

Hello bopkit bdd

Let's go over a first example in this guide.

Truth table

Consider the following truth table:

 00 -> 0101
10 -> 1001
01 -> 0111
11 -> 0101

It represents a combinatorial function from 2 bits to 4 bits. Let's save into a file, which we'll name fct01.txt:

$ cat > fct01.txt <<EOF \
> 0101\
> 1001\
> 0111\
> 0101\

We can double check that the file was indeed correctly initialized:

$ cat fct01.txt

Synthesizing a circuit from the truth table

This file format can be imported by bopkit in several contexts, such as when initializing the contents of memories.

It can also be read by the command bopkit bdd to synthesize a bopkit circuit whose semantics equals that of the combinatorial function.

Let's check it out!

$ bopkit bdd synthesize --AD 2 --WL 4 -f fct01.txt | tee my_block.bop
// Block synthesized by bopkit from "fct01.txt"
// Gate count: [12|4|4] (33.333 %)

Block(a:[2]) = out:[4]
s1 = Not(a[1]);
s2 = Mux(a[0], s1, Gnd());
out[0] = Id(s2);
s3 = Mux(a[0], a[1], Vdd());
out[1] = Id(s3);
s4 = Mux(a[0], Gnd(), a[1]);
out[2] = Id(s4);
out[3] = Vdd();
end where;

Simulating the resulting circuit

And now we can simulate it and check the output against the original truth table.

$ bopkit simu my_block.bop --num-counter-cycles 1
Cycle | a[0] a[1] | out[0] out[1] out[2] out[3]
0 | 0 0 | 0 1 0 1
1 | 1 0 | 1 0 0 1
2 | 0 1 | 0 1 1 1
3 | 1 1 | 0 1 0 1