Module Cmdlang_to_base.Translate

module Config : sig ... end


val param : 'a Cmdlang.Command.Param.t -> config:Config.t -> 'a Command.Arg_type.t


val arg : 'a Cmdlang.Command.Arg.t -> config:Config.t -> 'a Command.Param.t


val command_basic : ?config:Config.t -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Cmdlang.Command.t -> Command.t
val command_or_error : ?config:Config.t -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit Base.Or_error.t) Cmdlang.Command.t -> Command.t
val command_unit : ?config:Config.t -> Base.unit Cmdlang.Command.t -> Command.t

unit can be a convenient helper during a migration, however note that it is probably not quite right, due to the body of the command being evaluated as an argument.


module Private : sig ... end

This module is exported for testing purposes only. Its signature may change in breaking ways without any notice. Do not use.