Module Err.Private

Private is used by Err_config. We mean both libraries to work as companion libs. Note any of this can change without notice and without requiring a semver bump, so use at your own risk (or don't).

val am_running_test : bool Stdlib.ref
val reset_counts : unit -> unit
val reset_separator : unit -> unit
module Style_renderer : sig ... end

Compatibility with Fmt.

val style_renderer : Style_renderer.t Stdlib.ref
module Logs_level : sig ... end

Compatibility with Logs.

val set_logs_level : get:(unit -> Logs_level.t) -> set:(Logs_level.t -> unit) -> unit

Since Err does not depend on Logs, the Err and Logs levels must be set independently. However, this is done for you consistently if you are using Err_cli.

val warn_error : bool Stdlib.ref
val set_logs_counts : err_count:(unit -> int) -> warn_count:(unit -> int) -> unit

To avoid making this library depend on Logs we inject the dependency into the functions we need instead. To be called with Logs.err_count and Logs.warn_count.