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Exploring the Docusaurus+Odoc Combo

· One min read
Mathieu Barbin
Docusaurus & OCaml Enthusiast

To OCaml & Docusaurus enthusiasts out there 🐫 + 🦕

Some time ago, I shared my experience using Docusaurus to document an OCaml project, highlighting the integration between Docusaurus, ocaml-mdx, and the dune workflow (previous post here).

Today I wanted to share that I’ve resumed this exploration in documentation tools to try and integrate odoc-generated pages into Docusaurus, with the aim of creating a somewhat minimal template/example for this.

I’ve published my experiment here: doc-experiment-docusaurus

Integrating odoc posed challenges - I’ve written about the (pragmatic) approach I took here. I’m linking this odoc issue too, for reference about exploring more native solutions for this interop.

Have you too tried this “magic combo” of Docusaurus, Odoc, and OCaml tools? And if so, how did you approach it? Do you have insights or suggestions? If this sparks your curiosity, please don’t hesitate to engage with the repository.
