The selector named (dune _)
gives you access to a sub hierarchy of selectors dedicated to stanzas and fields found in dune files.
In this document you'll find the list of all selectors and predicates that live inside the (dune _)
hierarchy, along with their meaning and some examples.
(dune (executable _))
is a selector for the dune top level stanza named executable:
(executable <FRAGMENT>)
Beware, although this selector share sub selectors with the executables stanzas, its use only selects the executable stanza singular.
(dune (executable (name _)))
is a selector for the name field of an executable stanza:
(name <FRAGMENT>))
Its predicates are:
(equals NAME)
Returns true iif the NAME supplied is an exact match for the name present in the FRAGMENT.
When enforced, dunolint suggests to replace any existing name with the one specified by the predicate. Doesn't support suggestion when negated.
(is_prefix PREFIX)
,(is_suffix SUFFIX)
Returns true iif the name has the given prefix (resp. suffix).
When enforced, dunolint suggests prepending or appending the supplied value directly to the existing name, with no special heuristics (it doesn't try to be smart about completing partial prefixes, etc.). You may adjust manually as you see fit.
Negation: When the negation of the predicates is_prefix and is_suffix is enforced, dunolint suggests removing the supplied value directly from the name if applicable, if it is currently a prefix (resp. suffix).
(name main))
Condition: (dune (executable (name PREDICATE)))
Predicate | Result |
(equals main) | True |
(is_prefix "my_") | False. Suggestion: "my_main" |
(is_suffix "_test") | False. Suggestion: "main_test" |
(dune (executable (public_name _)))
is a selector for the public_name field of an executable stanza:
(public_name <FRAGMENT>))
It is almost identical to its name sibling, thus we are not documenting it in details here. A notable difference is that the suggestions for the (is_prefix my-package.)
predicate is improved when the prefix is a package name, as dunolint will indeed suggests to replace an existing package prefix if one if present. This is a minor ergonomic detail.
Fields shared with other stanzas
This stanza share some sub selectors with other stanzas. See: has_field, instrumentation, lint, preprocess.
For example, you can use the (dune (executable (instrumentation _)))
syntax if you want the instrumentation selector to apply to the executable stanza only.
The (executables _)
stanzas are currently not handled, and are ignored by dunolint. We have plans to fix this early on.
(dune (has_field FIELD))
is a predicate for dune stanzas. If the provided field is applicable to the a given stanza type, then it returns true iif the stanza has such field in the dune file, regardless of its contents. When the supplied FIELD doesn't apply to the stanza currently linted, this returns undefined.
Supported FIELDs | Applicable Stanzas |
instrumentation | executable, library |
lint | executable, library |
name | executable, library |
preprocess | executable, library |
public_name | executable, library |
When enforced, dunolint suggests initializing the field if a default value can be inferred from context. Otherwise dunolint will request that you handle the linting error manually.
Negation: When the negation of the predicate has_field is enforced, dunolint suggests removing the field entirely.
(name dunolint-lib)
(instrumentation (backend bisect_ppx)))
Condition: (dune (library (has_field ***)))
Predicate | Result |
(has_field instrumentation) | True |
(has_field preprocess) | False. Suggestion: initialize the field |
(not (has_field instrumentation)) | False. Suggestion: remove the field |
(dune (include_subdirs _))
is a selector for the dune top level stanza of the same name.
(include_subdirs FRAGMENT)
Its predicates are:
(equals MODE)
Returns true iif the MODE supplied is an exact match for the mode present in the FRAGMENT.
When enforced, dunolint suggests to replace any existing mode with the one specified by the predicate. Doesn't support suggestion when negated.
(include_subdirs qualified)
Condition: (dune (include_subdirs PREDICATE))
Predicate | Result |
(equals qualified) | True |
(equals unqualified) | False. Suggestion: unqualified |
(dune (instrumentation _))
is a selector for the instrumentation field found in stanzas library, executable and executables.
(instrumentation <FRAGMENT>))
Its predicate are:
(backend ARGS)
Returns true iif the ARGS supplied is an exact match for the arguments present in the FRAGMENT.
When enforced, dunolint suggests to replace any existing arguments with the one specified by the predicate. Doesn't support suggestion when negated.
(instrumentation (backend bisect_ppx)))
Condition: (dune (library (instrumentation PREDICATE)))
Predicate | Result |
(backend bisect_ppx) | True |
(dune (library _))
is a selector for the dune top level stanza named library:
(library <FRAGMENT>)
(dune (library (name _)))
is a selector for the name field of an library stanza:
(name <FRAGMENT>))
It is almost identical to the name construct of the executable selector, thus we are not documenting it in details here.
(dune (library (public_name _)))
is a selector for the public_name field of an library stanza:
(public_name <FRAGMENT>))
It is almost identical to the public_name construct of the executable selector, thus we are not documenting it in details here.
Fields shared with other stanzas
This stanza share some sub selectors with other stanzas. See: has_field, instrumentation, lint, preprocess.
For example, you can use the (dune (library (instrumentation _)))
syntax if you want the instrumentation selector to apply to the library stanza only.
(dune (lint _))
is a selector for the lint field found in stanzas library, executable and executables.
(lint <FRAGMENT>))
Currently, it is required to be followed by a pps selector.
(dune ({lint|preprocess} (pps _)))
is a selector for the pps field found in stanzas library, executable and executables
(preprocess (pps <FRAGMENT>)))
Its predicates are:
(pp PP_NAME)
Returns true iif the FRAGMENT contains the PP_NAME supplied.
When enforced, dunolint suggests to add the pp to the list of arguments, initiating the preprocess and pps field if needed.
Negation: When the negation of the predicate is enforced, dunolint suggests removing the pp from the list if present, along with any flags that may be associated with it.
(flag ((name FLAG) (param PARAM) (applies_to APPLIES_TO)))
any | none | some | (equals VALUE)
any | driver | (pp PP_NAME)
Returns true if one of the flags present fits the specification.
Flags usually start with one or two '-' characters. We recommend dunolint users to adhere strictly the the -flag=PARAM
syntax for configuring ppx flags accepting parameters, as this ensure the entire construct is parsed as a single atom.
- Flags may be applied to the ppx driver itself. This is the case for generic flags implemented by ppxlib for example. In this case, the dunolint convention is to place them first, right after the
field, and before any ppx. This is the case for the flagunused-code-warnings
flag below:
- Or flags may be custom constructs targeting a dedicated ppx. In this case, the dunolint recommendation is to place them right after the ppx they are targeting. This is the case for the
flag below
(pps ppx_js_style -check-doc-comments))
Param matching evaluation is pretty self explanatory, any matches anything, none means no param, some means a param with any value, and equals expects an exact match for the param value.
It is possible to enforce the (flag _)
predicate, when the specification is unambiguous as to how to create a new flag if a matching one is not already present (for example, it can't have PARAM=any, etc.). The (flag _)
predicate may only be negated when PARAM=any
in which case dunolint will suggests removing any matching flag.
(pp_with_flag ((pp PP_NAME) (flag FLAG) (param PARAM)))
This is a convenient wrapper for combining the two previous predicates into a single one, to assert the present of a pp with a flag applied to it.
(name dunolint-lib)
(pps ppx_js_style -check-doc-comments)))
Condition: (dune (lint (pps PREDICATE)))
Predicate | Result |
(pp ppx_js_style) | True |
(not (pp ppx_js_style)) | False. Suggestion: remove "ppx_js_style -check-doc-comments" |
(flag ((name -allow-let-operators)(param none)(applies_to (pp ppx_js_style)))) | False. Suggestion: add "-allow-let-operators" right after "ppx_js_style" |
(dune (preprocess _))
is a selector for the preprocess field found in stanzas library, executable and executables.
(preprocess <FRAGMENT>))
It supports two forms:
This is a predicate that returns true iif the FRAGMENT is set to exactly this value.
When enforced, dunolint suggests to replace any existing setting with that field. Doesn't support suggestion when negated.
(pps _)
In this case, the construction follows with a pps
When enforced, dunolint suggests to either replace or initiate a pps
field based on the enforcement of that selector. Doesn't support suggestion when negated.
(stanza KIND)
defines a predicate that evaluates to true iif the fragment is located within a stanza of the specified kind.
Supported kinds: include_subdirs, library, executable, executables.