Module Dune.Predicate

type t = [
  1. | `executable of [ `name of [ `equals of | `is_prefix of Base.string | `is_suffix of Base.string ] Blang.t | `public_name of [ `equals of | `is_prefix of Base.string | `is_suffix of Base.string ] Blang.t | `lint of [ `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t | `instrumentation of [ `backend of Dunolint__Dune0.Instrumentation.Backend.Name.t ] Blang.t | `preprocess of [ `no_preprocessing | `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t | `has_field of [ `instrumentation | `lint | `name | `preprocess | `public_name ] ] Blang.t
  2. | `include_subdirs of [ `equals of [ `no | `unqualified | `qualified ] ] Blang.t
  3. | `library of [ `has_field of [ `instrumentation | `lint | `modes | `name | `preprocess | `public_name ] | `instrumentation of [ `backend of Dunolint__Dune0.Instrumentation.Backend.Name.t ] Blang.t | `lint of [ `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t | `modes of [ `equals of Dunolint__Dune0.Library__modes.Predicate.modes | `has_mode of [ `byte | `native | `best | `melange ] ] Blang.t | `name of [ `equals of | `is_prefix of Base.string | `is_suffix of Base.string ] Blang.t | `preprocess of [ `no_preprocessing | `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t | `public_name of [ `equals of | `is_prefix of Base.string | `is_suffix of Base.string ] Blang.t ] Blang.t
  4. | `stanza of [ `include_subdirs | `library | `executable | `executables ] Blang.t
  5. | `lint of [ `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t
  6. | `instrumentation of [ `backend of Dunolint__Dune0.Instrumentation.Backend.Name.t ] Blang.t
  7. | `preprocess of [ `no_preprocessing | `pps of [ `pp of Pp.Name.t | `flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Flag.t | `pp_with_flag of Dunolint__Dune0.Pps.Predicate.Pp_with_flag.t ] Blang.t ] Blang.t
  8. | `has_field of [ `instrumentation | `lint | `name | `preprocess | `public_name ]
val compare : t -> t ->
val equal : t -> t -> Base.bool
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> t
val __t_of_sexp__ : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> t