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Exploratory tests

The vcs-command package introduces an executable, ocaml-vcs, designed to bring the core functionalities of ocaml-vcs directly to your command line.

It's a practical tool for conducting exploratory testing within your repositories, and reproducing bugs or issues externally, for a smoother debugging process. As a live code sample, it also demonstrates the use of the library.

Whether you're testing new features, diagnosing problems, or seeking to understand the library's application, ocaml-vcs can be a useful resource.

Below is a quick overview of the commands available in ocaml-vcs:

$ ocaml-vcs --help=plain
ocaml-vcs - call a command from the vcs interface

ocaml-vcs COMMAND …

This is an executable to test the Version Control System (vcs)

We expect a 1:1 mapping between the function exposed in the [Vcs.S]
and the sub commands exposed here, plus additional functionality in

add [OPTION]file
add a file to the index

commit [--message=MSG] [--quiet] [OPTION]
commit a file

current-branch [OPTION]
current branch

current-revision [OPTION]
revision of HEAD

run the git cli

graph [OPTION]
compute graph of current repo

init [--quiet] [OPTION]file
initialize a new repository

load-file [OPTION]file
print a file from the filesystem (aka cat)

log [OPTION]
show the log of current repo

ls-files [--below=PATH] [OPTION]
list file

more-tests COMMAND …
more tests combining vcs functions

name-status [OPTION]rev rev
show a summary of the diff between 2 revs

num-status [OPTION]rev rev
show a summary of the number of lines of diff between 2 revs

refs [OPTION]
show the refs of current repo

rename-current-branch [OPTION]… branch
move/rename a branch to a new name

save-file [OPTION]file
save stdin to a file from the filesystem (aka tee)

set-user-config [] [] [OPTION]
set the user config

show-file-at-rev [--rev=REV] [OPTION]file
show the contents of file at a given revision

--help[=FMT] (default=auto)
Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto,
pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain
whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined.

Show version information.

ocaml-vcs exits with:

0 on success.

123 on indiscriminate errors reported on standard error.

124 on command line parsing errors.

125 on unexpected internal errors (bugs).