Module Vcs_git_eio.Impl

The implementation of the provider is exported for convenience. Casual users should prefer using Vcs directly.

type t
val create : env:< fs : _ Eio.Path.t ; process_mgr : _ Eio.Process.mgr.. > -> t

Provider interfaces

module Add : Vcs.Trait.Add.S with type t := t
module Branch : Vcs.Trait.Branch.S with type t := t
module Commit : Vcs.Trait.Commit.S with type t := t
module Config : Vcs.Trait.Config.S with type t := t
module File_system : Vcs.Trait.File_system.S with type t := t
module Git : Vcs.Trait.Git.S with type t := t
module Init : Vcs.Trait.Init.S with type t := t
module Log : Vcs.Trait.Log.S with type t := t
module Ls_files : Vcs.Trait.Ls_files.S with type t := t
module Name_status : Vcs.Trait.Name_status.S with type t := t
module Num_status : Vcs.Trait.Num_status.S with type t := t
module Refs : Vcs.Trait.Refs.S with type t := t
module Rev_parse : Vcs.Trait.Rev_parse.S with type t := t
module Show : Vcs.Trait.Show.S with type t := t