Module Vcs.Graph

Building an in-memory representation of the commit graph of a git repository for queries related to the structure of its nodes and edges.

This data structure only contains the nodes, as well as the location of known branches (local and remotes) and tags.

The design is such that it is easy to add new nodes, and to compute the diff of what needs to be sent to a process holding such a value in memory to complete its view of a graph.

type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val create : unit -> t

Create an empty graph that has no nodes.

Initializing the graph

This part of the interface is the only part that mutates the graph. The graph manipulated in memory needs to know about the nodes and refs that are present in the git log.

The calls to the functions add_nodes and set_refs are typically handled for you by the function Vcs.graph, however they are exposed if you want to manually build graphs in more advanced ways (such as incrementally), or for testing purposes.

Adding nodes or refs to a graph does not affect the git repository. These are simply operations that needs to be called to feed to t the information that already exists in the git log.

val add_nodes : t -> log:Log.t -> unit

add t ~log add to t all the nodes from the log. This is idempotent - this doesn't add the nodes that t already knows.

val set_refs : t -> refs:Refs.t -> unit

set_refs t ~refs add to t all the refs from the log.

val set_ref : t -> rev:Rev.t -> ref_kind:Ref_kind.t -> unit

Same as set_refs, but one ref at a time.


A node doesn't carry much information, rather it is simply a pointer to a location in the graph. The functions operating on nodes typically require to be supplied the graph in order to access what the node is pointing to.

For convenience to users writing algorithms on git graphs, the type t exposes an efficient comparable signature, meaning you can e.g. manipulate containers indexed by nodes (maps, sets, etc.).

Ordering invariant

An invariant that holds in the structure and on which you can rely is that the parents of a node are always inserted in the graph before the node itself (from left to right), and thus if n1 > n2 (using the node comparison function) then you can be certain that n1 is not a parent of n2.

module Node : sig ... end
module Node_kind : sig ... end
val rev : t -> node:Node.t -> Rev.t

Access the revision of a node.

val parents : t -> node:Node.t -> Node.t list

Return 0 parents for root nodes, 1 parent for commits, and 2 parents for merge nodes.

val prepend_parents : t -> node:Node.t -> prepend_to:Node.t list -> Node.t list

prepend_parents graph ~node ~prepend_to:nodes is an equivalent but more efficient version of parents graph ~node @ nodes. It may be useful for recursive traversal algorithms.

val node_kind : t -> node:Node.t -> Node_kind.t

Access the given node from the graph and return its node kind.

val node_refs : t -> node:Node.t -> Ref_kind.t list

If the graph has refs (such as tags or branches) attached to this node, they will all be returned by node_refs graph ~node. The refs are returned ordered increasingly according to

val node_count : t -> int

Return the number of nodes the graph currently holds.


val refs : t -> Refs.t

List known refs, ordered increasingly according to

val find_ref : t -> ref_kind:Ref_kind.t -> Node.t option

Find a ref if it is present.


val find_rev : t -> rev:Rev.t -> Node.t option

Find the node at the given revision if it exists in the graph.

val mem_rev : t -> rev:Rev.t -> bool

Tell if a graph contains a revision. mem_rev graph ~rev = true iif find_rev graph ~rev = Some _.

Roots & Leaves

val roots : t -> Node.t list

Return the list of nodes that do not have any parents.

val leaves : t -> Node.t list

Return the list of nodes that do not have any children.

Ancestors & Descendance

Given two nodes of the graph, we say that a is an ancestor of d iif there exists an oriented path that leads from a to d. We say that a is a strict ancestor of d if a is an ancestor of d and a is not equal to d. Symmetrically, if a node a is an ancestor of node d, we also say that d is a descendant of a.

val is_strict_ancestor : t -> ancestor:Node.t -> descendant:Node.t -> bool

is_strict_ancestor t ~ancestor:a ~descendant:b returns true iif there exists a non empty path that leads from a to b. By definition, any node is not a strict ancestor of itself. .

val is_ancestor_or_equal : t -> ancestor:Node.t -> descendant:Node.t -> bool

is_ancestor_or_equal t ~ancestor:a ~descendant:b returns true iif there a is a strict ancestor of b or if a is equal to b.

val greatest_common_ancestors : t -> nodes:Node.t list -> Node.t list

greatest_common_ancestors t ~nodes returns the list of nodes that are the greatest common ancestors of the nodes in the list nodes in the graph t.

A greatest common ancestor of a set of nodes is a node that is an ancestor of all the nodes in the set and is not a strict ancestor of any other common ancestor of the nodes.

If the nodes in nodes do not have common ancestors, the function returns an empty list. If there are multiple greatest common ancestors, all of them are included in the returned list.

A set of nodes may have multiple greatest common ancestors, especially in cases of complex merge histories, hence the list returned type.

module Descendance : sig ... end

Given two nodes we can determine whether one is an ancestor of the other. We encode the four cases of the result into a variant type named Descendance.t.

val descendance : t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> Descendance.t

descendance graph a b characterizes the descendance relationship between nodes a and b. For example, it returns Strict_ancestor if is_strict_ancestor graph ~ancestor:a ~descendant:b holds. Be mindful that the order of the arguments a and b matters.

For example, consider the following commit graph, with history going from older commits at the bottom to newer commits at the top (like in "gitk"):

     |      |
     e      f
      \    /
       \  /
        | root
  • descendance graph a a returns Same_node
  • descendance graph a f returns Strict_ancestor
  • descendance graph f a returns Strict_descendant
  • descendance graph e f returns Other


val log_line : t -> node:Node.t -> Log.Line.t

Rebuild the log line that represented this node in the git log. This is mainly used for tests and display purposes.

val log : t -> Log.t

Rebuild the entire log.


Given a commit graph, we call subgraph a subset of the graph that contains nodes that are connected to each other, excluding from the rest of the graph nodes that are not.

Having multiple subgraphs may happen for example if the graph contains multiple branches that are isolated and do not share history (e.g. "main" and "gh-pages").

The root nodes of two different subgraphs are necessary distinct, by definition. However, note that two distinct roots of a graph may in fact belong to the same subgraph, if two of their respective descendants were subsequently merged.

module Subgraph : sig ... end
val subgraphs : t -> Subgraph.t list

Partition the commit graph into the subgraphs it contains. By convention, if empty denotes an empty graph, subgraphs empty returns the empty list, rather than a list containing an empty subgraph. A generalization of this convention is that the subgraphs returned by subgraphs are never empty.

val of_subgraph : Subgraph.t -> t

Build a commit graph containing only the supplied subgraph.


module Summary : sig ... end
val summary : t -> Summary.t

Print a summary for use in expect test and quick exploratory tests

Low level node ordering

This part of the interface is exposed for advanced usage only.

We make no guarantee about the stability of node ordering across vcs versions. The order in which nodes are stored is not fully specified, outside of the ordering invariant discussed here. The specific ordering that result from one specific execution path is considered to be valid only for the lifetime of the graph.

These helpers are exposed if you want to write algorithms working on graph that take advantage of operations working on integers, if the rest of the exposed API isn't enough for your use case.

val get_node_exn : t -> index:int -> Node.t
val node_index : Node.t -> int