Module Private.Exn0

Handling of errors in Vcs.

This module is used to handle errors that can occur when using the Vcs API.

exception E of Err.t
val reraise_with_context : Err.t -> Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace -> step:Base.Sexp.t -> _

reraise_with_context err bt ~step raises the original error in the form of an exception E, with step added to err's context. This is simply a convenient wrapper that combines Printexc.raise_with_backtrace and Err.add_context under the hood.

See the documentation of Printexc.print_backtrace for information about how to obtain an uncorrupted backtrace.


let doing_something_with_arg vcs ~arg =
  try Vcs.something vcs ~arg with
  | Vcs.Exn.E err ->
    let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
      ~step:[%sexp "doing_something_with_arg", { arg : Arg.t }]